Love: As a key value of Christianity, we want to show love to ourselves and to everyone who comes to the centre.
Concern for Quality: There is an axiom that "anything worth doing is worth doing well." 2 Timothy 2:15 also states, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (KJV). Base on this truth we want to offer a quality service to our patrons and to help them provide in turn, quality teachings and or sermons in their areas of operation through their use of our facility.
Spirituality: Based on the fact that every human person also has a spiritual being, we value the spirituality of our patrons and would want to help uplift that in the Christian perspective.
Dedication: We uphold that with dedication, anything needed to be reached could be achieved.
Integrity and Respect : We admire the demonstration of integrity and respect among ourselves and to our partners and patrons, and to include transparency and accountability in the discharge of our duties.
Collaboration: There is an Akan (a tribe in Ghana) proverb that "one hand cannot lift a heavy load," which means "unity (partnership) is strength." We value collaboration with agencies or individuals in achieving a task.
Truthfulness: We want to conduct our services in the atmosphere of truthfulness.
Bible Study and Prayer: We value Bible Study and Prayer as an integral part of our livelihood to be guided by the principles of the Bible and to pray for ourselves, our patrons and partners.